Prabakar Mahesan 15 min

Leveraging Service BOMs to Enhance Aftermarket Effectiveness

Are you missing out on potential revenue because of inaccurate Service Bills of Materials (SBOMs)? Many Industrial OEMs face this challenge, resulting in missed upsell opportunities and dissatisfied customers. But fear not! Enter Entytle's Service BOM powered by the Installed Base Intelligence (IBI) Platform. Here's what you can expect: 1. Accurate Parts Identification: Say goodbye to guesswork by accessing a comprehensive view of your customer's equipment configuration. 2. Proactive Service Recommendations: Anticipate service needs and recommend the right parts and services before problems arise. 3. Boosted Customer Satisfaction: Faster, more accurate service leads to happier customers and stronger relationships. Entytle's Service BOM with the IBI Platform brings tangible benefits: 1. Increased Revenue: Uncover hidden upsell opportunities based on real-time equipment data. 2. Improved Service Efficiency: Streamline quoting, ordering, and service delivery with accurate BOMs. 3. Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Proactive service fosters trust and builds long-term relationships. Don't settle for outdated service practices. Harness the power of IBI to unlock the full potential of your Service BOM!! Watch the webinar by Prabakar Mahesan, Customer Solutions Director at Entytle, to delve deeper into Service BOMs. Schedule a demo now to see how Entytle can revolutionize your installed base visibility - #IndustrialOEM #ServiceBOM #InstalledBaseIntelligence #CustomerSatisfaction